Two FTP commands (consisting of "CWD " followed by " ") are sent. This is the most compatible way of sending FTP commands. When selected, two FTP commands (consisting of "CWD " followed by " ") are sent. This is the most compatible way of sending FTP commands. One FTP command (consisting of " ") is sent. This way of requesting an operation may not work correctly on some FTP servers. When selected, only one FTP command (consisting of " ") is sent. This way of requesting an operation may not work correctly on some FTP servers. When unchecked, NetFinder will apply no character translation to any file or folder names nor to the contents of text files. When checked, NetFinder will apply ISO 8859-1 character translation to all file/folder names and to the contents of text files. When unchecked, NetFinder will stay in the background when a URL is opened and NetFinder is in the background at the time. When checked, NetFinder will be brought to the front when a URL is opened and NetFinder is in the background. When unchecked, Netscape will open all "ftp:" URLs internally. When checked, Netscape will ask NetFinder to open all "ftp:" URLs. Disabled because Netscape's preferences file is open or because Netscape is open. When checked, Netscape will ask NetFinder to open all "ftp:" URLs. When unchecked, the "New FTP Connection" dialog is never opened when NetFinder is started. When checked, the "New FTP Connection" dialog is always opened when NetFinder is not started by a bookmark (ie, by double clicking the program icon or by Netscape). When unchecked, passwords will not be included in any URLs that you save, copy or drag. Currently, passwords are included in URLs. If you share your Mac with others, you should probably uncheck this option. When checked, passwords are included in any URLs that you save, copy or drag. Currently, passwords are not included. If you do not share your Mac with others, you can check this option to avoid having to type in your password(s) all the time. This option controls whether the splash screen is shown. Disabled because this is an unregistered copy. When unchecked, the splash screen is not shown. Currently, the splash screen is shown. When checked, the splash screen is shown. Currently, the splash screen is not shown.